Guide for Authors

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where possible, on a disk. Figures and diagrams should, if possible be used instead of
tables. The work shall not be published elsewhere in any language without the written
consent of the editor in chief. The articles published in this journal are protected by copyright.
Contributors should submit their papers and disk to:
Editor in chief
Prof dr. Mohamed Yahia
Prof. ob & gynecology, Ain Shams University
Asst. Editor:
Prof. Ahmed Badawy,
Prof. ob & gynecology, Mansoura University.

Preparation of manuscripts

• Papers should be typed double- spaced, on white paper, size A4 (210 x 297 mm). upper, lower, right and left margins should have a minimum of 25 mm.
• The pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with the title page, each section of the manuscript should commence on a new page, in the following sequence:title page; abstract, synopsis, and key words, main text ( ending with acknowledgments); references; tables; and legends for illustrations.


Title page
The title page should contain:
1- The title itself, and subtitle if any.
2- The number(s) of the author(s), first name(s) mentioned and highest academic degree).
3- The number(s) of the department(s) and/ or institution(s) from which the study originated.
4- The name and full address (including telephone and tele-fax numbers) of the “corresponding”
5- A “running title” of maximum 40 characters, including word spaces.

Abstract, Synopsis and Keywords

• Page 2 of the manuscript. should carry an Abstract not exceeding 250 words. A structured abstract is required for original research articles; excluded are case reports and brief communications. The structured abstract should contain the following headings (each of them beginning a new paragraph): Background and aim: (main question or hypothesis ), Methods (Study design, number and type of subjects, treatment, and
type of statistical analysis ), Results (outcome of study and statistical significance, if appropriate ). Conclusions (those directly supported by data, along with any clinical implications).
• The abstract should be followed by 3 - 7 key words or short phrases for Indexing purposes. Key words should be separated by semicolons.
• Synopsis: A ~ummary of the abstract in maximum of 30 words to be printed in the table of contents mainly describing the conclusions.


Main Text
• The text is conventionally divided into sections headed; Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, and Discussion. Lengthy papers may require sub-headings for clarification, particularly in the Results and Discussion sections.
• When reporting research on human beings, the authors must include an assurance that the work was approved by a medical ethics committee and that the subjects gave their informed consent to participate. do not repeat in the text all the data displayed in the tables or illustrations, do not repeat detailed data (numbers) of results in the discussion section. Avoid unqualified statements and conclusions that are not supported by the data.

Acknowledgments should only be made to funding institutions and organizations and, if to persons, only to those who have made substantial contributions to the study.

• References should be numbered consecutively (Arabic nmerals) in the order in which they appear in the text. In the text section, the reference numbers should be given in parentheses. References within tables or legends should be numbered in accordance with the order in which they appear in the text.
• Avoid abstracts as references. Unpublished observations and personal communications -may not be used as refer - ences, but may be cited within parentheses in the text. Only papers published or in press should be numbered and .included in the reference list. Use the form of references adopted in index Medicus i.e., the Vancouver Style

Examples of correct form of references:
1- Standard journal article
List all authors when six or less. When seven or more, list only first six and addetal. Toppozada MK, Gaafar AA, Shaala SA. In - vivo inhibition of the human non pregnant uterus by prostaglan din E2. Prostaglandins, 1974; 8: 401 - 406.
2- Books:
(a) Personal author: Speroff L, Glass RH, Kase NO. clinical gynecologic endocrinology and infertility. 4th edition, Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins; 1988: 105 (b) Chapter in book; Wilhelmsson L, Norstrom A, Tjugum 1, Hamberger L. Interaction between

(b) Chapter in book; Wilhelmsson L, Norstrom A, Tjugum 1, Hamberger L. Interaction between prostaglan dins and catecholamines
on cervical collagen. In: Toppozada M., Bygdeman ‘. M., Hafez ESE, Eds. Prostaglandins and fertility regulation.
Advances in reproductive health care. Lancaster, England,
MTP Press Ltd., 1985 : 75 - 80.

3- Agency publication
National Center for Health Statistics. Acute conditions: incidences and associated disability, United States July 1908 - June 1909. Rockville. MD.: National Center for Health Statistics, 1972.

Tables should be typed on separate sheets. They should be numbered consecutively (in Roman numerals) and should be provided with a brief title. Vertical and horizontal lines should not be used within the body of the table.

• All figures must be clear and submitted either as glossy black and white photographs or as graphic reproductions (Two complete sets); freehand or typewritten lettering is unacceptable. Roentgenograms and similar material should be submitted as photographic prints. Letters, numbers and symbols must be clear and large enough to remain visible after sizereduction for printing.

• Each figure should have on its reverse side, lightly written by pencil, the numerical order (Fig. #), the name(s) of the author(s), and the correct orientation, e.g., an arrow pointing to the top. Do not mount it on cardboard, or use clips or tapes.
• Photomicrographs must have an internal scale marker (or the magnification factor must be given in the legend). Any symbols, arrows or letters used should be in strong contrast with the background. Previously published illustrations must be acknowledged, giving the original source; with a written permission from the copyright-holder to reproduce the material. No permission is required for documents in the public

• For illustrations in colour, colour negatives or positive tran parencies must be supplied . .Legends for illustrations should be typed on a separate page, using Arabic numerals corresponding to the illustrations.

• Proofs will be sent for the correction of typographic errors only. No change in make-up can be accepted. Proofs not returned within 10 days will be considered approved by the author.
• The Egyptian Journal of Fertility and Sterility has no page charges and offers no free reprints. The cost of printing illustrations in colour will be charged to the author(s). Significant changes in the printed proofs will also be charged to authors.