Trans-cerebellar diameter/Abdominal Circumference (TCD/AC) ratio and femur length/mid-thigh circumference (FL/MTC) ratio in both normal and growth restricted fetuses

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ass. Professor of obstetrics and gynecology

2 lecturer of Radiology

3 Ass. Professor of obstetrics and gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University


IUGR defined as fetal weight below the 10th percentile for gestational age. In Egypt it affects about 12.1% of cases with singleton pregnancy. Sonographic assessment of fetal growth for estimation of fetal weight (EFW) and diagnosis of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a common practice in obstetrics, providing valuable infor-mation for timing and planning the mode of delivery and management of labor.  
Objectives: to compare TCD/AC ratio and FL/MTC in both normal and growth restricted fetuses in third trimes-ters.  
Patient and methods : This prospective case-control study including 60 pregnant female are included in the study (30 normal control group and 30 pa-tients with IUGR fetus) all are subjected to US assessment. 
Results: Significant difference in TCD/AC and FL/MTC between the 2 studied groups.  
Conclusion: TCD/AC and FL/MTC ratios are good, easy to perform and reliable pre-dictors of IUGR.
